This report explains about Access Sport and their focus on inclusive sport and physical activity and the reasons why they are needed. It covers their work: training, supporting, resourcing, and system change. They have clear targets and have showcased some of their successes in both quantitative and qualitative formats. Their place-based multi-sport work called ‘Changing Places’ is highlighted with initiatives in Manchester, London, Bristol, and Oxford. While their sport-specific multi-location work called ‘Changing Sports’ covers Cycling, Basketball. Rugby and Hockey. In September 2023 they launched their Inclusive Club Network, which allows for resources and knowledge transfer between their national network of clubs, this could be through webinars or events. They also work to support system change so inclusion is normal. There is a section about their fundraising and finances, as well as information about everyone involved with the organisation and their supporters, plus how to get involved. 

Last Update
6 months ago  