This dataset presents data from Sportivate between 2011-2015, Satellite Clubs between 2013/14-2014/16, Workplace Challenge 2016, and ClubWorks 2016. Data is broken down by: 

 - Total number of Sportivate participants

 - Sportivate participants by year 

 - Sportivate participants by age

 - Sportivate participants by disability

 - Sportivate participants by ethnicity

 - Sportivate participants by gender

 - Sportivate participants by retention rate

 - Sportivate participants by sport played

 - Total number of Satellite Clubs 

 - Total number of Satellite Clubs by year

 - Total number of Satellite Clubs participants

 - Satellite Clubs participants by gender

 - Satellite Clubs participants by disability

 - Total number of Workplace Challenge organisations

 - Total number of Workplace Challenge participants

 - Total number of Workplace Challenge participants by gender

 - Total number of Workplace Challenge participants by disability

 - Total number of Workplace Challenge participants by ethnicity

 - Total number of ClubWorks Clubs

 - Number of ClubWorks Clubs by type

Last Update
4 years ago  