Over 24 million people commute to work each day in England and Wales, the majority utlising passive methods such as cars, trains or buses. For many, the journey is synonymous with stress, frustration and anxiety. This report highlights the impact of passive commuting on health, including increased stress, higher blood pressure, higher BMI and reduced time for cooking, exercising and sleeping. Key findings include:

- Average commute time is 56 minutes to and from work each day

- Knowledge of the detrimental impact of lengthy, non-active commutes is increasing

- Research suggests that commuting can reduce mental wellbeing, negatively impact physical health and reduce time for health promoting activity

- Inactivity poses a major challenge to public health, and more people should be encourageed to adopt a more active commute

- For non-active commuters, a health promoting and less stressful experience should be ensured

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4 years ago  
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