Momentum around the need for good governance in sport and recreation organisations is building. Organisations that receive core funding from Sports Councils are subject to audit and assurance processes which assess their governance, finance and control frameworks. This provides funders with confidence in the organisation's ability to receive and manage public money. This Code sets out good governance for the sector. It is flexible, allowing adaptation for organisations which may be smaller or larger, commercial or entirely voluntary, national, regional or local. It provides direction, practical guidance and good practice, helping bodies to stengthen governance structures and enabling significant and positive organisational growth. Key findings from the report include:
- 90% of respondents reported that their organisations are working towards some of all of the principles
- 77% stated that the implementation of aspects of the Code has had a positive impact on their organisation
- 95% stated that the Code has been either effective or very effective in assisting good governance.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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