Following research into the media portrayal of disability sport, which inlcuded media monitoring and insight from disabled people, non-disabled people and journalists, this report was created to provide a benchmark of reporting and guidance for coverage. All audiences noted increased and improved coverage of disability sport during the 2012 Paralympics, but believed it had not been maintained and that latent demand for more reporting and visibility of disability sport in the media exists. 


This guide will help those who provide news content to shape the way disability sport news is reported. The report includes,

- Guidance on tailoring the content to the sport and increasing understanding and awareness of disability sport;

- Types of story to avoid focusing entirely on the athlete's disability;

- Style and placement including the quality of images and layout of newspapers and website;

- Language, including how to avoid being patronising and consultation of how the individual wants their impairment or condition to be referenced;

- Use of different media formats including forums and access to media space;

- Ambassadors for promoting interest.

Last Update
4 years ago  
1 file