This report provides the first detailed analysis of physical inactivity, both at a national and local level. It examines the rate of inactivity in each top tier local authority and analyses its relationship with premature mortality, cost and spend, leisure facilities and green spaces.

In the past, promoting the benefits of physical activity has often been grouped with obesity, clouding the positive impact that getting active can have on health and wellbeing, independent of weight reduction.

This has prevented inactivity from being defined as a stand-alone public health issue that needs to be targeted and treated distinctly, despite this being called for by international health agencies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Turning the tide of inactivity seeks to support local authorities, public health professionals and the activity sector to better understand inactivity as a distinct risk to public health. It comes at a time when local authorities have the opportunity to shape how they begin to turn the tide of inactivity.

Last Update
8 years ago  