Tapping the Potential is the latest publication from the Richmond Group’s Doing the Right Thing programme - an approach to building meaningful collaboration between the voluntary sector and public bodies.

Tapping the Potential captures learning from the initial stages of the Richmond Group’s collaborative work in Somerset. This includes success factors for collaboration, consideration of collaboration challenges, and reflections for local and national decision-makers beyond Somerset.

Some of the headlines from this work are:
• Coming to collaboration with no pre-conceived ideas about products or providers unlocks a different kind of conversation on all sides.
• Turning an open-ended conversation between the voluntary sector and public bodies into a productive collaboration requires resource.
• Collaboration benefits from bridging organisations – like the Richmond Group – and people who make it their job to connect divergent cultures, languages, and priorities.
• Voluntary sector leadership can offer both agility and stability to place-based collaborations (such as Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships) in an ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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