The Sport and Recreation Alliance has revealed an activity map which shows the alarming number of children and young people who fail to meet minimum recommended levels of activity in England.

Across the country 82.5% of children are not active for at least one hour per day, the guidance provided by the Chief Medical Officer. In areas such as Sheffield, Sunderland, Wolverhampton and Westminster – this rate rises towards, and over, 90%. More worryingly, in the worst performing Local Authorities, almost half of under 16s were active for less than just 30 minutes each day.

Lisa Wainwright, CEO of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, said: “These results demonstrate the very real issue that faces our children and young people today. The fact that even in the best performing Local Authorities, only one third of children meet the minimum recommended levels of activity set by the Chief Medical Officer is deeply concerning. It paints a clear picture of a national problem, which needs a local solution.”

Last Update
4 years ago  
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