Satellite clubs make it easier for young people to get active – and stay active. They provide opportunities to take part regularly in sport and activity through the creation of enjoyable, appealing and convenient opportunities for young people that are based around their needs.

Satellite clubs have helped thousands of young people get active and Sport England's support for the programme will continue under their latest strategy, Towards an Active Nation.  

London Sport’s insight team have carried out this work to understand more about the experience of operating/hosting a Satellite Club at either a sports club, school, college or other community venue. Findings will influence the design of similar programmes in the future.

The scope of the work included gathering primary data through an online research survey and identifying key trends influencing provider’s experiences of operating or hosting a Satellite Club. 

The results have been finalised as a set of key findings designed to influence the design of future programmes and are comparable to Sport England's Evaluation of Satellite Clubs.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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