This report created by London Sport displays a summary of London activity data from Sport England’s Active Lives Children and Young People (CYP) Survey. This report has been created using the latest data, covering the 2021-22 academic year, to give an overview of CYP activity levels in London and to highlight key areas of concern. Through primary data using online surveys, authors found that levels of activity across the UK have significantly improved, however London has not seen a meaningful change and the proportion of 'active' CYP remains under 50% in line with previous years.

Mainly, contributors found that over 620,000 children in London (5-16 years old) are not meeting the recommended levels of daily activity. They also discovered that children from the most affluent families in London are nearly 14% more likely to be active compared to children from the least affluent families (54% vs 40%). It also shares that only 39% of Black CYP and 40% of Asian CYP are active compared to 51% of White British CYP. This summary and data contribute to the government’s continued investment in physical activity engagement avenues in the UK to ultimately improve levels of physical activity across all genders, ages, ethnicities and levels of affluence.

Last Update
a year ago  
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