One third of all people who don't play sport say that a coach would encourage them to start, inspiring people to get active and stay active. Whether it is guiding people to start activity for the first time, facilitating improvement or supporting talented athletes, coaches help individuals to progress faster and further than they could on their own. Whilst the current work of the coaching community should not be undervalued, the need for a coaching rethink is clear. 


Developed following consultation with coaches, coach educators and national governing bodies of sport, The Coaching Plan for England will see:

- The recruitment of 1000 new apprentice coaches

- A review of current coaching qualifications to bring new skills to the sector, improve delivery and ensure more coaches are safe to practice

- The creation of a more diverse network of coaches, better able to engage underrepresented groups

- New digital ways of learning coaching skills to attract a broader range of people into the role.

Last Update
8 years ago  