This report by Sport England explores the various ways the COVID19 pandemic has affected activity levels in the UK population, specifically that of adults from a number of recognised categories, including women, older adults, from BAME backgrounds, on a lower income, disabled or living with a long-term health condition. The paper provides innovation-based solutions to help people overcome digital exclusion and mental health challenges to lead more active lives, while also help tackling inequalities that exits within society.

Using primary and secondary data, they found that during lockdown, 54% of adults with a longstanding physical or mental condition or illness agreed they had the opportunity to be physically active, compared to 73% of adults without a longstanding condition. They also found that digital exclusion affects older people, those from lower socio-economic conditions and people who are disabled or living with a long-term health condition the most. The authors conclude that by using a model structure, organisations will be able to help the public find ways to stick to their activity levels, or otherwise help them improve their level of exercise investment. 

Last Update
2 years ago  