In 2012 Sport England ring-fenced £20m for investment into Doorstep Sport Clubs (DSCs) - this is the largest ever targeted investment into disadvantaged youth sport. Insight into Action tells the story of the 340 community organisations that came together to understand the lifestyles and ambitions of 100,000 young people living in disadvantaged areas. The 340 used that insight to shape a vibrant and varied sporting offer that was right for their neighbourhood. DSCs are hosted by a range of neighbourhood community projects. The ambition for the programme was to reach and attract 120,000 14-25 year olds into sport by 2017. Lessons records the learning about what young people wanted and why. The document is split into seven sections; Knowing the customer; Delivering the Five Rights of Doorstep Sport; Generating social benefits: Sport for Good; Growing Leadership, Volunteering and Social Action; Making good use of Pop Up Clubs and Grand Events; Providing for Girls and Young Women and Sustainability.

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