Good Parks for London is an annual report, now in its fourth year, compiled by Parks for London and sponsored by GL Hearn.

It assesses each London borough’s parks service (from April 2019-March 2020) against ten criteria to enable comparison between them – it gives recognition for the great work that is happening across London, it helps improve performance and makes practices more visible and open to scrutiny. The report is split into two sections:

Part one: How all 32 boroughs compare against ten Good Parks criteria, detailed on page 10. The results are presented through maps and a summary benchmarking table, which reveals the top performing boroughs and those that can improve, along with short articles from boroughs that are performing well under each criterion.

Part two: Features examples of good practice and case studies from other land managers and organisations with an interest in managing London’s parks and green spaces.

Last Update
4 years ago  