This report examines physical activity levels in children in England in 2015. It compares different population groups, by age, sex, income and region. Key findings include:

- Excluding school based activities, 22% of children aged between 5 and 15 met the physical activity guidelines of being moderately active for 60 minutes per day. This is an increase from 2012.

- The proportion of children aged 5-15 meeting recommendations was lower in the higher quintiles than in the lower quintiles of equivalised household income. 

- Girls aged between 5-10 who were obese were less likely to meet activity guidelines compared to those not overweight or obese.

- 79% of children participated in activities such as walking and sports in the last week while in a lesson at school. 

- Time spent sedentary during the week and weekends increased with age. 

Last Update
8 years ago  