This latest release from the Office for National Statistics provides an analysis of the UK Time Use Survey. This looks at the amount of time children spend engaging with the outdoors and sports activities. Key findings were:

• Children aged 8 to 15 years in the UK spent just over an hour (68 minutes) of their leisure time on average per day taking part in an outdoor activity, sports-related activity or travelling on foot or by bicycle.
• Children spent three times longer on sports and exercise activities (33 minutes) than entertainment and culture activities (11 minutes).
• Boys spent on average 40 minutes per day on sports activities compared with 25 minutes for girls.
• The average amount of leisure time children spent in parks, countryside, seaside, beach or coastal locations was 16 minutes per day.
• Children reported greater enjoyment ratings when taking part in entertainment and culture activities (6.4 out of 7) and sports and exercise activities (6.3) than for other outdoor activities.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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