England Athletics have published a Youth Volunteering resource to provide advice and guidance on recruiting, supporting and retaining young volunteers to all members of the Athletics and Running community.

A young volunteer can fulfil many roles with the right support package in place. This can vary from running local sport sessions or assisting at large-scale sports events, to learning how to coach and design youth-led activities. By contributing in this way, young people have the opportunity to support capacity at a club, helping more people to get involved. A strong volunteering programme also assists with developing their confidence, self-esteem and community leadership skills and they have the opportunity to gain awards and qualifications.

The Youth Volunteering resource includes information about the benefits of youth volunteering;

• Why involve young volunteers in your organisation?

• Benefits for the young volunteer

• Benefits for the club

• Benefits for the wider community

• Motivations for volunteering

• The Streetgames FABS model (fun, altruism, belonging and self-development)

 plus useful information, advice and Top Tips for recruiting, supporting, and retaining young volunteers.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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