This comprehensive strategy document has been developed against a framework of five key outcomes including physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, and individual, social and community, and economic development. The overall aim of the strategy is to get people active and secure a sporting future for us all. It specifically focuses on inactivity, under-represented groups and the social value of sport; highlighting that participation will be ‘demand-led’. The government wants to maintain Britain's reputation as one of the leading nations in the world for putting on major sporting events while making sure it is the best in the world on good governance too.  To do this it needs a more unified approach from government, investing in sport where it sees proven results and doing everything it can to ensure sport's reputation is upheld. Sport England's role has broadened to include dancing, walking and cycling, as well as now supporting children from five years old. The strategy highlights the importance of outdoor recreation, ‘non-traditional’ sport/physical activity, and importance of natural facilities, including economic value of outdoor tourism. The strategy further outlines the upcoming Active Lives methodology and the reasons why it is replacing the existing Active People Survey.

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4 years ago  
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