A strong focus on prevention, early intervention and behavioural change is necessary to stem the growing financial and societal costs associated with the increase in lifestyle-related chronic conditions. It is critical that we adopt a preventative strategy in order to ensure that the NHS remains free at the point of use for future generations. The evidence for the effectiveness of physical activity in tackling some of the nation's most pressing health concerns is well established. Exercise, sport and day-to-day physical activity can be instrumental in the prevention and management of a wide range of increasingly prevalent conditions including diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, obesity, stroke, musculoskeletal conditions and mental health.

This report explores the current public health landscape in England and how the sport, recreation and physical activity sector can work alongside health to get more people, more active, more often. It sets out a number of key policy recommendations, a summary of the health service commissioning process, case studies of good practice and tips on how to engage with organisations in the health sector.

Last Update
8 years ago  