The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and HM Revenue & Customs have issued guidance on using the tax system to offer gym memberships and sports facilities to staff. This guidance provides some advice that employers can put into practice straight away to help their workforce become healthier.

The government introduced Cycle to Work in 1999 - an annual tax exemption that allows employers to loan bicycles and cycle safety equipment to employees as a tax-free benefit.


Larger organisations may be able to offer a gym or leisure facility for staff in their workplace. These in-house facilities can either be run directly or by a third-party provider, and can be offered to employees to access for free or on a paid-for basis. In-house gym facilities can be offered to employees tax-free at a convenient location to fit in around work.


Employers may also be able to negotiate with local gyms and leisure centres to secure a discounted membership rate to pass on to employees – this can be up to 30% cheaper than the normal price.

Last Update
4 years ago  
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