Content TypeDatasets
TopicTime, money and investments
London Sport
Added 2 years ago

This report by McKinsey & Company and The World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) reviews the trends presented in last year’s annual Sporting Goods Industry Report and assesses the industry and players performance of this year. They also evaluate more in-depth trends in light of recent developments. Based on these considerations, it highlights five key areas that could help...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

In its seventh edition, the 2020 Europe Active European Health & Fitness Market Report presents the most comprehensive analysis of the European health and fitness industry to date. The report contains current information on the major European fitness markets and club operators, recent merger and acquisition activities, as well as a chapter on the European fitness ecosystem.   "This report covers the...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Working with Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC), Sport England commissioned a project to assess and understand the social and economic impact of community sport and physical activity in England.  There are two complementary parts to the research. Part one measures the social impact (including physical and mental health) of sport and physical activity while part two measures the economic...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

A wealth of research exists outlining the benefits of being physically active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These include improving our overall health, quality of life, wellbeing and independence. These benefits, however, can be difficult to access for many disabled people due to certain barriers that restrict opportunities to be active. This includes having the financial resources required for a minimum standard of living, this can affect whether some disabled people can or want to take part...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

This study found that participation in sport and exercise at “moderate intensity” for adults reduced the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and strokes by 30 per cent, colon cancer by 24 per cent, Type 2 diabetes by 10 per cent, dementia by 30 per cent and breast cancer in women by 20 per cent. In addition, 14.1 per cent of...