London Sport
Added 6 months ago

This report highlights the work of Panathlon in schools providing competitive sports for children and young people with disabilities and special needs. Through both face-to-face and virtual opportunities Panathlon have reached 62,981 young people. In addition they have inspired schools to increase inclusive opportunities, as well as supporting young people through sports leadership experience. The research shows Panathlon have had...

London Sport
Added 10 months ago

This report provides insight into the lives of children and young people, it considers the current situation of PE, physical activity and school sport in schools. Including attitudes of parents and teachers in relation to physical activity. Themes covered include inequalities and the affect they may have on physical activity levels, the importance of wellbeing, and considerations in a digital...

London Sport
Added 3 years ago

More than two in three parents say they have seen their children’s physical activity levels decrease during lockdown, new research published ahead of schools reopening has found. The research, commissioned by children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust and conducted by YouGov, also found that only a minority of parents (21%) believe their children are currently active for at least the recommended...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

In this report, the Centre for Social Justice argues that the time is right for a more radical reform of physical education and sport provision for young people; there is a looming health crisis due to inactivity during lockdown and due to illnesses other than coronavirus going untreated. Given the UK’s existing obesity crisis, the CSJ is calling upon the government for bold action.

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

New research released by the Youth Sport Trust has recorded teacher's accounts of what a return to PE and sport in schools across the UK looks like following six months of closures. The charity heard how logistical issues and cautiousness among teachers around delivery guidelines has led to some schools teaching less or even no PE at all this term. In secondary...

London Sport
Updated 4 years ago

Much of the debate around the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, our responses to it, and the longer-term legacy that it will leave has quickly become a discussion about various forms of inequality.   The purpose of this report is to bring together what has emerged so far about the impacts of the crisis on inequalities across several key domains of life. The report seeks to identify the various ways in which this...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Schools play an important role in young people’s lives, and it is important that they are supported to provide high quality, modern PE lessons that engage young people as well as opportunities for them to be active throughout the school day. The government has three overarching ambitions for this plan:   1. All children and young people take part in at least...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Cerebral Palsy Sport’s aim is to raise aspirations, promote inclusion and support people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities to play, participate and enjoy sport and active recreation. The ‘Its Ok to Play Project’ seeks to make it easier for people with Cerebral Palsy and associated physical impairments to access sport and activities, as their siblings and peers do, in...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

Girlguiding has been tracking girls’ and young women’s views through our Girls’ Attitudes Survey for over a decade, building a clear picture of what it’s like growing up as a girl in the UK today. It shows that they face a specific combination of pressures and experiences – many borne out of underlying gender inequalities – that can affect their mental health...

London Sport
Added 4 years ago

This Youth Sport Trust report summarises key evidence relating to the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people. With an ever-changing landscape, limited ability to hear directly from children and with a narrow window for data capture, this document is “of the moment”, condensing the latest quantitative evidence from a range of external sources. Additionally, it references qualitative and low-sample research, aiming...